
Services We Offer

  • Information about your child’s developmental
    disability including behavioral/emotional, mental health, or physical challenges.
  • Individual and family support sessions with a qualified and understanding advocate.
  • Service planning and ongoing support to achieve your goals.
  • Crisis support.
  • Support groups that meet regularly in your area for people just like you.
  • Our support groups are a chance for you to talk with other parents that are working through many of the same issues.
  • A trained advocate to attend meetings with you including special school meetings, court hearings, and other meetings important to your family.
  • Workshops that address the unique needs of families with children that have special needs.
  • Help in accessing the resources and support your child and family needs.
  • Literature and books for parents to review and borrow.
  • A quarterly newsletter that lists meetings and provides new information of interest to parents and professionals working with children.