Informational Videos
Youth Suicide Prevention Videos
These videos are available for you to use at no cost. If you have further questions, contact Pat Maus whose contact info is provided below.
The Teen Suicide Prevention video was originally developed with a parent audience in mind, but we feel the message can be helpful to a broader audience of caregivers, parents and anyone involved with youth. Older teens may also benefit from the messages in this 4 minute video.
The Reach Out video is intended for teen audiences, it is a short (90 second) music video containing one simple message, reach out to a trusted adult for help. They music/lyrics were specifically written and performed for this project by a teenage girl in Minneapolis
Pat Maus RN MS
Patient Education Specialist – Planner
Mayo Clinic Section of Patient Education
Wells Fargo 6-34
Email: Phone: 507-284-5979
Why take an Active Parenting class? Hear what these parents have to say! from Active Parenting on Vimeo.